We’ll Automate Your Lead Generation With AI

If your team doesn't save at least 2-3 hours per day in the next 90 days we’ll keep refining the system until it does. 10+ years of experience building software for B2B companies.

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We help you serve 100s of customers by building full fledged SaaS platforms including custom dashboards, API intergrations, authentication and authorization, security, database, payments and more

Birdomate - SaaS Platform

Birdomate is a SaaS platform that allows users to send autoamted scheduled DMs on Twitter by scraping tweets and pages where their target market engaging.

  • The system was sending 1000s of DMs automatically.
  • We built the system in around 90-120 days

Tech Stack

Front End: Angular, JavaScript/TypeScript, Material Design, SCSS
Backend: Python Flask, Bitbucket Pipelines, AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS Route53, AWS Cloudfront, Heroku, Twitter API, Papertrail
Database: PostgreSQL
Payments: Paypal
Email Marketing: Brevo
Users Management: Auth0
Error tracking: Sentry
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Keta AI - SaaS Platform

Keta AI is a SaaS platform that allows users to turn long-form video content to short form content on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok using AI.

Main Features

  • Rendering 1000s of videos with a scaleable GPU architecutre to be able to serve 100s of customers
  • Keeping costs low by scaling up and down based on usage
  • Buliding the project in ~100 days with iterative approach to be able to onboard users fast
  • The project is combined of landing page and custom dashboard.

Tech Stack

Front End: Angular, JavaScript/TypeScript, TailwindCSS, SCSS
Backend: Python Flask, Bitbucket Pipelines, AWS EC2, AWS S3, AWS Lambda, AWS Route53, AWS Cloudfront, Heroku, LLM Models, TTS Model, Papertrail, Ngnix
Database: SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL
Payments: Stripe
Email Marketing: Brevo
Users Management: Auth0
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3 easy steps

How it works


Discovery & Proof Of Concept

• Define the product on a document

• Reasearch and build a development plan

• Turn idea into clickable prototype with Figma

• Estimate scope for project and costs

Estimated time: 2-5 days


Beta Launch

• Build inital MVP and define on milestones

• Let beta users test the system

• Improve system based on feedback


Production & Scale

• Launch product

• Set up monitoring

• Scale infrastructure

• Collect user feedback

• Release new features

Get Started


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Curious what AI can do? Want to collaborate on a project plan? Let us guide you through the ideation, general feasibility and project planning process.